Creativity sets companies apart from one another. Creativity is your competitive advantage.
- Creativity promotes working without boundaries. Creative ideas — are the emerging competitive battlegrounds for businesses.
- Fostering creativity shows employees that they can change their workplace.Letting people make a visible, tangible impact on their work environment is a powerful motivator.
- It gets people emotionally invested. Work without passion is, quite simply, drudgery. For many people, especially entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, that passion comes as easily as breathing. But for some, sparking that creativity passion in the workplace requires a little more motivation
- Promoting creativity removes the fear of failure. A key component of fostering a creative environment is giving people the freedom to fail.
- Creativity Brings New solutions for Difficult Problems
- People with Creativity have a broader outlook and approach in the workplace
- AI and future technologies will not be able to replace the skill of Creativity. A computer/robot lacks imagination or creativity to dream up a vision for the future.
“Professor George Land commissioned a longitudinal study following the same group of people over time to see what happened to their creativity as they got older. He conducted a creativity test( same test that he gave his engineers at NASA) with a group of five year-old’s, whereby they scored a 98% creativity genius level. He , then gave the same test five years later, when they were 10 years old, and their score had dropped significantly to under 30%. And finally he retested them again at 20 years old and their final scores were shocking – the same children who had, had a 98% creativity genius level at 5 years old now had a 2% creativity genius level. His study concluded that we are educated out of creativity.
Today companies are looking for people who can be creative and who can think differently yet schools and learning institutions have over the years incrementally ousted our creativity and today we sit with a Creativity Gap whereby the workforce requires people to have the skill of creativity, but peoples creativity is basically non-existent . So who is helping people to bridge this gap? Who is helping people to re-ignite their creativity and give them the competitive edge?
Goats2Unicorns facilitates and reignites creativity to shift thinking and boost your strategic edge. We are the only company in Africa to teach the skill of re-igniting creativity using a self developed methodology based on many teachings. This immersive teaching is completely new and unique and people leave the course being able to solve a challenge in a creative way. We are about helping you and your business break patterns, generate innovative ideas and empower you and your team with Creative Confidence giving you and your business the competitive edge.
Lana Roy. Founder and Chief Unicorn
Lana is an innovative people person with a strong creative energy. She is a results driven award winner. Having sold her first company at age 33 for a substantial amount, she went onto invest and consult to various start-up and semi-mature Fintech and other Tech companies. Through her years of experience, consulting and investing she tried to understand what made some companies succeed and others fail. One attribute amongst many others was the ability to practice creative confidence. Those companies that were able to blend innovation and creativity were the ones she saw reach great success.
A few years ago, Lana began studying courses through IDEOU, the largest Design Thinking Agency Worldwide which started her on a quest to understand can creativity be taught. Her findings lead her to founding Goats2Unicorns, a Creativity and Innovation Catalyst whereby she is very excited to be able to share her practical knowledge in mastering Creative Confidence with those wanting to position themselves for the present and future. Recently she has been studying the MIT methodology, “Lifelong Kindergarten” which has better positioned her to understand the characteristics required for creativity and has lead, her to develop her own Methodology CODE to teach the skills of re-igniting one’s creativity.
She has presented her workshop to a number of key corporates in S.A including Discovery Investec, PWC, Deloitte, Anglo American Platinum, NIHSS, etc.
She has been asked on numerous occasions to be the keynote speaker at various events and conferences. E.g. Small Business Expo, YPO Harare, Anglo American Plats; Standard Bank – Women in business etc. Lana also lectures a module on Creativity at IGY( Innovator Gap Year Programme) as well the Faith Mangope Technology and Leadership Institute for Women.
Recently Lana won the Innovator of The year award for Human Skill Development for Creativity at the World Innovation Congress. Her keynote was voted number talk by all participants of the World Innovation Congress, Women in Leadership Congress, Human Resources Congress and World Coaching Congress
Lana helps individuals and companies build their creativity and innovation capabilities, so they can develop the next breakthrough idea which customers love.