• June 24, 2018


The Creativity.DOT Framework is methodology developed by Goat2Unicorns that revolutionizes the way that we are able to re-ignite our creativity. We live in a world of diverse people, culture, professions and thoughts yet we tend to read the same material, speak to and socialise with like-minded people, watch the same things and work and marry people who are similar to ourselves…….YES, our Creativity dots get fewer and fewer……….WE ARE BOXED! So how do we change this?
Many organisation teach Design Thinking as a form of building and executing Creative Confidence but we at Goats2Unicorn have exponentially exploded this thinking and developed a complete new process and methodology in teaching the skills of re-igniting and mastering creativity. The Framework consists of 2 main parts: COLLECTING and CONNECTING Dots and during our teachings we break this further down into sub areas that all lead to the process of Profitable Creativity.

There is no better time than NOW to unleash your creativity – climb out of the box and destroy it! It starts with one simple step…..

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